Throw/Swing Engineering
SETPRO instructionals how the body actually develops movement skills
Physics Biomechanics Physiology
Instructional's are based on 20+ years of computer analysis and simulations with hands-on application with players at all levels from Little League to major-league.
Swing & Throw Engineering
Liitle League to Major League there is a SETPRO instructional E-Book.
Find out why SETPRO'S E-BOOKS are the gold standard of swing and throw development.
E-Book Info
Personal Analysis & Attention
SETPRO analysis is the fastest way for you to make changes and improvements in your throw and swing.
Personal Analysis & Attention
Computer and video analysis of your swing with detailed biomechanics feedback and illustration along with specific instructions for improvements.
Swing & Throw AnalysisWelcome to SETPRO.
I started SETPRO (Sports Engineering Training PROducts) in 1995 after spending 30 years in engineering and technical world with the sole intent of developing the best training products possible to develop a players maximum swing and throw capabilities. I have always had a burning passion to understand how to maximize a players athletic potential. Baseball has always been my first love (see "Aspiration to Reality"). SETPRO's products are based on extensive research in the fields of biomechanics, physics, physiology and motor learning. SETPRO's products and information have helped thousands of players at all levels of baseball. Thank you for taking time to visit and I hope you find your visit here informative.

Year SETPRO Founded0+
Instructional Presentations0+
Players & CoachesFrom Aspiration
to Reality.
The year was 1959. My dream was to pitch for the Boston Red Sox. I set up my own training "facility" which consisted of an old carpet hung in the backyard that I could throw baseball against. Every day I would go out and throw and throw and throw some more. The library was my best friend. I scoured the shelves for every book I could find on pitching. In high school we had a pitcher on the team who was about 5'6" tall. When he threw the baseball it sounded like an angry cat, it hissed on its way to the plate. I was 6 inches taller yet my fastball was nowhere near what his was. I always wondered what he'd was doing that I wasn't. My senior year in high school, I was cut from the baseball team. I believe this is the reason why I have always wanted to understand how the very best throw the baseball and swing the bat. And more importantly how to convey that information to the aspiring ballplayer so that he has a greater probability of succeeding where I did not.

SETPRO's e-books are the result of thousands of hours of computer analysis of how the best players in professional baseball throw and swing combined using physics and biomechanics simulations along with extensive use of physiology and motor learning (how the body acquires movement skills). The information in the SETPRO e-books has 20 years of field application helping hundreds of players and coaches realize their baseball potential.
View SETPRO EBooks
SETPRO "Alumnae"... are the very best at what they do.

"Paul Nyman has changed the world of how to throw a baseball. He has a unique combination of technical background and passion to find the real throwing "story"". Brent Strom Astro's Pitching Coach.

"In one weekend Paul Nyman change my whole understanding and outlook of how to develop players. His insight into how the body throws the baseball is unparalleled." Ron Wolforth Texas Baseball Ranch

"I owe a lot to Paul Nyman. He started working with me when I was a junior in college. Much of how I work with players is directly attributed to how Paul Nyman helped me with my swing." Jeff Albert SL Cardinals Hitting Coach.

"As far as I'm concerned Paul Nyman is the "Godfather" of modern day pitching mechanics. His work and teachings have revolutionized how to develop a players throwing capabilities." Lantz Wheeler Baseballthinktank.

"In my book The Complete Guide to Pitching I said no one that I have been associated with knows more about how the body throws the baseball than Paul Nyman" Derek Johnson Reds Pitching Coach.
Maximize Your Swing & Throw Potential
In the 20+ years working with players what I have found almost universally is the belief that lifting weights, doing long toss, playing lots of games will somehow maximize the player's abilities to swing and throw. Nothing could be further from the truth. A player learns how to swing and throw through a trial and error process. That process is constrained by the environment. If the environment is to throw strikes the player will develop throwing mechanics that throw strikes. Throwing strikes is a different movement pattern and throwing hard strikes. Same can be said about swinging the bat. The point being that technique and information how to develop technique is a critical part of the player development process. SETPRO's e-books offer the most comprehensive technique development information based upon biomechanics, physiology and how the body acquires and creates movement skills specific to swinging the bat and throwing a baseball.
Purchase SETPRO EBooks

ON Line Personal Analysis & Instruction
Instructional concepts and methods develop by SETPRO have revolutionized swing and throw instruction. Concepts such as scapula loading, pelvic loading intent to throw and swing have become swing and throw teaching absolutes. SETPRO's three-dimensional swing and throw simulations were revolutionary and I still used by many to illustrate the swing and throw process. Using these techniques SETPRO is helped hundreds of players through direct intervention. Internet swing and throw video analysis of professional players has been the gold standard for evaluating mechanics.
Swing & Throw Analysis
This player contacted me beginning of January 2019 throwing 82-84 mph. Previously sent me some rough video made some suggestions which initially struggled with. Asked him to send me additional video which is what you see above. Did one additional video analysis after this one. In May 2019 emailed me said he had hit 95 mph. Chose this video specifically so that his face could not be identified but gives a good indication of the process that I use.
20+ Years of SETPRO